Jaimie Waititi

Jaimie Waititi (Te Whanau a Apanui, Te Ika a Maui, Mana Moana) navigates through current social and environmental politics with a grounding of cultural influences. As a multi media artist based in Auckland, Waititi activates appropriate tools to infiltrate such conversations. Recently a member of the SaVAge K’Lub Waititi uses spoken word, painting, sound and activation as a means to collaborate with others; questioning the audience’s stance on current social debates thus forcing self-reflection.

  1. Jaimie Waititi, Got coins.

  2. Jaimie Waititi, One Million Star. Photo credit: Raymond Sagapolutele.

  3. Jaimie Waititi, Rarohenga.

  4. Jaimie Waititi, WAteVA activation, artist talk.

  5. Jaimie Waititi, Lukautim Solwara. Photo credit: Lana Lopesi.

  6. Jaimie Waititi, Reina Sutton.

  7. Jaimie Waititi, Reina Sutton Tufala Meri. Photo credit: Regan Balzer.

  8. Jaimie Waititi, Reina Sutton, Tufala Meri.

  9. Rosanna Raymond, SaVAge K’lub, installation view, GOMA APT8. Photo credit: Natasha Harth.

  10. Rosanna Raymond.