Maurial Spearim

Maurial Spearim is an Indigenous woman from the Gamilaraay, Kooma, Muruuwari nation. A VCA graduate with a Bachelor of Dramatic Arts Degree, Maurial continues to collaborate with a wide range of artists who, much like herself, have a passion to co-create, develop and perform. Maurial is interested in exploring theatre, song,and dance through the expressions of the body and the utterance of the voice, where artforms are combined to create a story evocative of past and present. Credits include We Get It, Elbow Room/Neon Festival MTC 2015; Wentworth, Foxtel 2013/2015; Secret River 2015, Redfern Now tele-movie 2015; Who Stole The Sole state tour, Phunkitional Arts Limited 2013-2015; BalaaBalaa Yuli-Gi dancer 2015; Skin Choir Songlines, Aboriginal Music Corporation 2012-2014; Body Armor state and national tour, Ilbijerri Theatre Company 2010-2013; Seven Sisters dancer 2010-2013; Move It Mob Style dancer 2012.

  1. Maurial Spearim