This is an ongoing archive of Next Wave Alumni spanning our 40-year history. You can browse the list below or use the filters to find someone fast. If you have been involved in a Next Wave Festival and don’t have an artist profile yet, fill in the form here. If you have any questions, email
Make or Break is a collaboration between Connie Anthes and Rebecca Gallo that began in 2015. Make or Break has worked across gallery, institution, festival and nightclub contexts to produce a range of process-based and participatory art projects. These have included creating experimental economies that address precarity and privilege; unveiling fictional monuments imagined by women and girls; using galleries as work spaces; performing personal admin for an audience; co-writing texts; celebrating the invisible labour of strangers; and facilitating conversations and workshops as alternatives to traditional forms of research. Make or Break is passionate about exposing the role and visibility of labour, process and the artist/audience relationship in ways that question and challenge the social and political systems that surround us.
Make or Break. ‘Influence Operation’, 2019. Image courtesy the artists.
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