This is an ongoing archive of Next Wave Alumni spanning our 40-year history. You can browse the list below or use the filters to find someone fast. If you have been involved in a Next Wave Festival and don’t have an artist profile yet, fill in the form here. If you have any questions, email
Luke Duncan King is a visual artist, whose practice is grounded in printmaking & drawing, but extends into video, performance and other artforms. He has an interest in collaboration, and has performed or co-created works with choreographers, dancers, performers, filmmakers and other visual artists, in public and private museums and galleries. Luke participated the Next Wave Kickstart program in 2017 and he held an exhibition at Bus Projects part of the Next Wave art festival in 2018. Luke is a co-founder with Geoff Riding of Magic Hands, which teaches Deaf-led classes in beginner and intermediate Auslan. Luke completed a BFA (Hons) at the VCA in 2015.
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